Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Effectively delegating in Leadership

  While delegating there are a lot of things a leader must remember.  The first is to ensure that you direction is both specific, and well understood.  This is the single most reason that instruction fail, and goals are not met.  You must always ask yourself as a leader was I specific in my instruction?  Did I communicate clearly and did I explain the impact that instruction would have on the overall vision?  Did I attain buy in with the team member and does the team member completely understand the importance of the task and the impact it will have?  Was a time frame established?  Is that team member motivated and do they understand the level of follow-up that will be initiated to ensure the task is done to satisfaction?  Do they know the impact of that task and how it will affect them as a person and their personal goals? 
   This may seem excessive on simple tasks but these are important questions and even in simple tasks your team member needs to know that you are both consistent, precise, and engaged in every task and that you will always without exception follow up on that task to ensure it is done to your satisfaction and not theirs.  Your understanding of what needs to be done must be the same understanding as theirs and all must be on the same page with no room for interpretation or excuse.  This is the cornerstone of accountability. If you fail in your communication and instruction this becomes your failure and not the failure of the person whom you delegated the task too. If done correctly you can then release yourself from that task and move on to other responsibilities with little or no supervision however you must always follow up once the task is complete and offer feedback on your satisfaction in their work.
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